*One of our pineapple bushes, planted just after we moved in last Oct, is actually bearing fruit! It usually takes 1-1.5 years before they bear fruit! We are thrilled, now we just have to make sure no one steals it... Just after we moved in I noticed a green plant sprouting by our gate and I asked our yard guy to pull it out a few times but he never listened. Well, now I know why, it's a papaya tree and it is bearing a ton of papayas. They are yellow ones so not as sweet as the red ones, but I hide them in milkshakes and the kids never know... (again, hopefully the local kids don't steal them as they need to ripen on the tree.)
*Around here we are reading the "Magician's Nephew" before bed...
*The kids have been having a lot of fun with these magnet monkeys. Thanks Larissa!!! (Mikah dressed them up as a boy and a girl..)
*For supper, barbecued chicken (on the borrowed BBQ of our neighbours... seriously wishing we'd packed one in our crates from Canada....). Indonesian recipe: some grated ginger, some fresh garlic, the juice of one key lime, some pepper, some oil, a chicken bouillon cube crumbled - I think that's it. Let it marinate for a number of hours and then barbecue! Yummy!!! (I know the chicken on the photo is rather white - I'd just put it on...)
*Hugo has been faithfully practicing his guitar of late. After listening to Chad the excellent guitarist/singer from New Heights, Christiaan is eager to be just as cool and has been practicing a little. We're not rushing out to get him his own guitar just yet though...
*BTW - The quilt on our bed was handmade by 10 village women in Java over a period of 10 days. There is a Christian guy who organizes the projects for the women and it is how they earn a living. Neat eh?
*Hugo has been busy installing new ELT's (emergency locator transmitter) into all 14 MAF aircraft here on Papua. This is according to Indonesian Aviation Regulations. These new ELT's can have their signal picked up by satelite. The old ones signals could only be picked up by radio.