Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Yesterday I took Hugo to the clinic and they checked his platelet levels and they were low. They were 105 and they should be 150. He was not dehydrated at that time either. His malaria test came back negative. So he definitely has dengue fever. Which is not contagious and is passed through mosquito bites.
Today we went again and his platelet levels have dropped to 85 and he is beginning to show some signs of dehydration. So now he has to drink 4 litres today. If his levels drop again tomorrow they will need to put him on an I.V. It's kind of funny because he is actually feeling a little better today and showing a bit more life...
Now Marc has a fever and Brynnie is still cranky. While at the clinic I had them make a malaria slide for Brynnie too. Now we are waiting for those results.
That's the scoop for now!


Irma said...

Praying that your household soon gets well! Hopefully there is some improvement tomorrow.

Doulanic said...

how's Hugo doing these days? When will you know if he needs IV? What about a platelet transfusion? Or is that something they do only as a last resort?