Thursday, August 31, 2006


It’s amazing how quickly things become “normal.” Today I took a host of photos of things that we now consider normal. Unfortunately I drained the camera batteries in the process and our new ones are currently charging. I did however manage to upload a few photos to share with you. The others will have to wait until tomorrow, provided I can manage to get them uploaded. I have been having some trouble getting photos to upload. Our internet connection here is rather fickle.
This photo on the left is of some kids that live at the bottom of our hill. They were really quite fun to chat with. Unfortunately most of them had rotting teeth which is very common in young children here. Parents don't make any effort to minimize the amount of sugar their children intake.

The other photo is of some houses that were built right beside the river at the bottom of our hill. There are pipes coming out of the houses dripping waste into the river below. (Hope you weren't eating while reading this...) The river is where they bathe, wash their clothes, play, pee (yes, I saw it with my own eyes) and even get drinking water. It hasn't rained here for about two months so a lot of people are having trouble getting water. There are a lot of wells running dry. So people go with buckets to the river and lug water back home. One of my househelpers is also currently without water and so she showers at our house before going home. Hopefully it will rain soon.
Hugo went to Jakarta overnight yesterday to get his motorbike license. Because our visa's say we live in Jakarta, we need to get licenses there. Just another Indonesian thing.... Also, he didn't need to do a test, he just had to pay for it. Gotta love that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aunt Fief here.Luckily I was done eating when I read this.Yikes--freeeeeeeky or what.Are there many sicknesses there because of all this stuff they do with the water?????????Wonder how clean they feel when washing with that they have a peculiar odour to them?????????Do they have wet seasons there when there are flash floods 'cause that house is soooooo close to the river?Hope youse don't ever use that water.Am curious to hear from you tomorrow about Hugo's experience overnite in the BIG CITY!!!!!!!!All is fine here.Cold yesterday but we are on the warmup again for Labour Day weekend--29\30 again.Thje temp. fluctuates like a yo-yo.Harvesting is really going good here.Fall is in the air tho 'cause the leaves are changing colour.Hope this finds you all in good health.Will pray for youse.Luv from my house to yours.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox