Saturday, February 02, 2008

Well, we are trying out a new guard/yard guy this month. I think he’s going to work out just fine. He has completed theological school and wants to further his education. His wife is expecting their sixth child. Their oldest is a sixteen year old boy who can cover for his dad if he has church responsibilities or is sick. Nuel doesn’t have his own church yet but he does help out in a church. Seems like a more stable kind of guy.
Today the guard for the MAF house across the road from us, and up a little hill, came and told us that he had seen two guys break the metal bar and go in but he yelled at them so they took off. Obviously Yoben, our old guard, was either sleeping or “away” while that happened. I’m thankful that the other guard noticed them. Really, all people want is to steal stuff and we really don’t have much outside for them to steal. I usually make sure that all our good shoes and sandals are in at night. Our generator is outside but it is heavy and there is no way they could have gotten it through the opening there. So guards here are mostly for theft. Sometimes drunk guys will come by, but it doesn’t happen often where we are. But I still feel safer knowing that there is someone keeping an eye on things.
As far as the fence. It really didn’t take any getting used to Lisa. We’re just glad to have it. We actually have bars in all our windows too. But they are kind of like wrought iron so they don’t look bad. A while back an expat family had their house broken into through a section of glass blocks in their bathroom wall. Barred windows are impossible to get into so the thieves broke the glass blocks. They then stole everything they could and burned the house down. This happened around Christmas and the family was at a village in the interior. It was quite a traumatic experience. So we’re all being a little more careful these days….

1 comment:

Doulanic said...

wow .....never seems to be a dull moment. sheesh. glad you found a new yard guy - sounds like he'll work out great!