Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bits and Bites...

It's been a few days since my last report...
Hugo came home safely after one night in Wamena. He successfully completed the necessary checks on the two helicopters. And I survived just fine with the kids. Sure helps that they are older now...
This past Sunday a retreat from the GKI church began in the complex across the road from us. Lots of people from Jayapura to here were gathered together and camping. All evening and until late late last night we were "treated" to very loud preaching and singing and it begun again at 4 am this morning. They sure love to crank up the volume around here. And today the festivities continued. I couldn't help but wonder at the timing of this event. There are some national holidays this week due to Idul Fitri, the M*slem event celebrating the breaking of the fast of the month of Ramadan. So this evening we were again "treated" to loud singing and preaching from the retreat, along with the loud calling of all the local m*sques. We do live a ways up from the local m*sques, but because of the importance of the event, they have all turned up the volume a few notches...
As I am writing this, Pak Nios is seated in his hut located in the back corner of our yard, typing a school paper on an ancient manual typwriter, while . He told Hugo that actually, he really needs a laptop... right.... Nice try...
Little Nelfika was still having ear issues a few days ago. In fact the infection has migrated to her other ear as well. I haven't checked on her since, but I sure hope that the Zithromax has since kicked in...

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