Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Where we live...

This is an aerial shot of where we live. I so helpfully labelled everything I circled only to discover that I should have just given everything a number.....

So the black line is our road except for the top inch or so of the line. I drew that to show you where we would leave the road to walk up to the falls. At the tip of the line we enter the "jungle" and you can't see the path from above.

Starting at the top of the line going down, the first circle on the right hand side of the road is our house. On the other side of the road is the youth Centre. The circle to the right of our house is approximately where Ice lives. The larger circle below and left a little is the pool. At the far left of the foto at the end of the red line is Ritha's house. The red line is the path I can walk to her house. There is a road but it starts farther down. The large circle near the bottom of the foto is the old ZGK compound where my Uncle Keith and Aunt Coby were dorm parents. Our church now meets there. The large square on the bottom right of the foto is the graveyard where Ritha's husband is buried.

On the far left of the foto, about half way up you can see a cluster of buildings. This is part of the complex where the International school is located. Even though it looks so close in the foto, you have to drive down our road until you reach the main road, turn right and then drive until you reach the school's road and then turn right again and drive up. There is no road across the valley, only a walking path.

Photo credits: Pieter VanDijk
This is our house up close... On the bottom left of our fence line (along which I so helpfully drew a black line) is our water tank for the public. The long building below our house is part of the Bible school. It is the old location of the International school that our kids attend. The house above ours and across the road to the left are the homes of other MAF'ers. The house above ours is a renovated quonset hut from WW2 and so is the house above it (only it's hidden by the trees). Above those houses are the guest houses of World Team.


Tamara Jansen said...

Thanks for this post......I love being able to understand better how things are out there. Glad to know you're not living in a treehouse like Robinson Carusoe :) That's what I always imagined when I thought of Indonesia....

Pearl said...

Great perspective. Everything always look so much closer than it is from up high.

Irma said...

Neat to be able to picture things a little better! (-: I love keeping up on your posts....take care (-: