Monday, July 13, 2009

Bits and Bites....

Today we went to the beach with some Dutch folks. The weather was fabulous and the kids had fun jumping into the ocean off a rope swing hanging from a palm tree over the water. We were the only folks there the whole day which I have to admit was rather nice. On the boat ride home our boat ran out of gas; within sight of the pier no less. We floated aimlessly for a few minutes and then a guy came by in a traditional boat with a little 15 horse-power motor. He had no extra gas so we attached a rope to his boat and he dragged us to the pier. Then, since the tide had dropped so much, we had to climb onto one of the bigger old-style boats and then from there up onto the pier (nope, no ladder). Thankfully all of us and our stuff made it safely to the top. Then on the way home, over 4 rather rickety bridges, one of them with large gaping holes, our friend drove over a little pig. In his defense, the pig literally ran under his tires... We didn't stop, you don't want to stop... A full-grown pig is worth about 10 million rupiah so you don't want to start discussing retribution for an animal that should really be penned up but isn't... Just another day at the beach in P*pua...
Tomorrow morning we are scheduled to fly to Wamena on a local airline. From there we are to be shuttled to a village called Pyramid where we will stay until next Monday. Yup, it's time for our annual family conference again. The kids are pumped! There's a team from New Heights Church in Vancouver, Washington here to do VBS for all the kids. They also bring lots of American candy with them... And of course, Pastor Matt Hannon will be speaking to us grown-ups each day.
So we'll be incommunicado for the next week. I believe there is one spot on the entire compound where you can sometimes get a bar or two on your cell phone.... if you stand on one leg and hold up a tower of aluminum foil... :-)

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