Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bits and Bites...

Yikes! It's been nearly a week since my last post...
The boy who had the gate fall on him is doing just fine. However a 13 year old boy passed away yesterday. This morning as we walked to our neighbours to get the car we passed by girls putting flower petals into bags. Later they will scatter the petals on the coffin before it is put in the ground.
They are gearing up for August 17th here in town. That is the Indonesian day of independance. Most people here don't care about it, but the government does and so there are flags all over town. Today was also the first day of Ramadan.
The power has been out periodically and our new generator uses a titch more gas than our old one... well, more like nearly twice as much. So I decided that as our jerry can was empty and the tank on the generator nearing empty, I should probably fill it. We are not allowed to get more than 5 litres of gas (for jerry cans) at the government gas station so we go to a private gas pump on the other side of town. This pump uses a very old tube system of measuring the gas. We also pay more per litre of course. As I was waiting for our jerry can to be filled, chickens were running around and a rooster got hit by a car...
This morning Aidan had a frenectomy. His front teeth were becoming more and more spaced apart and were also beginning to splay upward. So for the hefty fee of $30, the expat dentist cut the frenom in his mouth. Aidan was a little nervous beforehand but things went very well. He just needs to lay low for a couple days so the stitches don't rip out or things begin to bleed.

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