Saturday, November 27, 2010


Photos from when we had our church over for a potluck bbq.

The girls on the boat ride home.

The boys managed to get a sea cucumber...
- A number of weeks ago a boeing 737 landed really hard in Wamena (interior city). The plane taxied to its normal spot and the workers began unloading it. The plane was going to proceed to the runway to take off again (they cannot leave loaded as the runway is too short for that) when a couple guys noticed that there was a large crack behind the cockpit... Then a couple guys from Boeing came to Wamena to quote on the job. They said that the hotel there is the worst they've ever stayed in and it's the best one in town...
- Each Friday a group of seniors from the seniors home up the road go for a walk. They wear matching outfits and walk until our road where they stop and turn around. The walk down is probably 400 meters or so...
- I have to say that I'm sick of expired food. I've had bad orange juice and expired margarine that I've had to throw out recently.... ugghh...
- Every now and then the police decide to do a sweeping in town. They gather at the stop light and start directing traffic (which totally confuses people because the light will be red but the policeman directing traffic will tell you to go...). The other police will stop random motorbikes and sometimes cars and check to see if they have a proper drivers license and registration and if they are wearing a helmet. If just one of those is not in proper order, the motorbike is confiscated and taken to the police station where they hold it until you come and pay a fine. I don't think that they even make sure that you've fixed whatever it was you had your bike taken for. The last time they did a sweeping, only 5 motorcycle taxis from our hill came away unscathed.
-We found the dead lizard that was stinking up our bedroom for a time. He was a little dried out...
- We are desparately in need of some serious rainfall. Wells are drying up.
-Tonight we had a farewell potluck bbq for a great family that's moving back to the States. We say good-bye a lot in our line of work... not fun... The potluck was fun though...
-The kids have had the entire week off school due to a teachers conference. It's been a nice change of routine. Less stressful... Hugo took Wednesday off and we headed to the beach with our friends (minus P because he's a teacher and was at the conference) and we were the only ones there! So nice!

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