Monday, February 04, 2008


  • Our new guard seems to be working out swell so far - he comes on time!!

  • The power has been going off more often and for longer periods again. Wonder if they are running out of diesel down at the power station…

  • This week a 737 was coming in for a landing in Merauke (city down in the south of Papua) and one of the engines injested a big cow… Well, the cow and the engine are toast…

  • Last night Icelina was playing with a big knife, they do that here, and cut herself badly so today she couldn’t sweep and mop today – which is the bulk of what she does around here…

  • Our minister preached as normal yesterday. Guess the problems are worked out for now…

  • The new building that we are going to meet in is almost ready, just needs some painting yet.

  • Today we had our A/C’s cleaned for the first time. Wow! Was the one in our bedroom ever dirty! It actually runs quietly now and doesn’t make the window panes rattle anymore!

  • This morning a truck came by spraying out chemicals to kill mosquitoes – what a nasty smell!

  • There’s been a soccer tournament going on across the road from us. It’s a small field so I think it is just 4 on 4 but every afternoon there’s a game. And there’s always some enterprising folks who bring out a little table and try to sell pina (beetle nut-nasty nut that they chew along with some kind of powder which makes the juices red along with the inside of their mouths – yuck!!) beside our fence.
  • Brynnie is eating normally again!!
  • So is Hugo… he was sick from Thursday to Saturday.

  • And to finish off, a completely gratuitous photo of Brynnie:


Lisa said...

She is too cute! Where does the red hair come from?

And I guess I'd rather live with bars on the windows than lay awake wondering who's going to try to break in the house.

Nancy-Mom said...

Never a lack of excitement out your way is there ? I don't think I could handle all the wondering what's going to happen today stuff !

Brynnie is a doll !

Doulanic said...

injested a cow? how on earth did that happen? :-)
Very cute photo of Brynnie.... some more pics of the other kids?