Saturday, November 27, 2010

A slice of life on Pos 7

It's the end of they day, like 4:00 or later, and you head up to the soccer field across the road from our house. There's 4 games each day. One for boys and one for girls and one for women and one for men. The females play last when the light is dying out and the spotlights are turned on. Unfortunately there are only lights on the one side/end of the field. You sit alongside the road and cheer loudly. Then a guy selling bakso goreng comes on his motorbike. For 1,000 rupiahs you can buy a stick. The children begin to clamber around.

Bakso is made from bone marrow and tapioca (I think) and comes in sausage like strips which are cut into pieces. As you can see he puts them in egg and then fries them in some oil in what looks like a poffertjes pan. There's a little burner underneath the pan.

Then you dip your stick in the spicy red sauce and enjoy!

And go back to cheering for your favorite team.

1 comment:

Tamara Jansen said...

I love that post! Gives an idea of the culture out that way :)