Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Today Brynnie was extremely cranky again. In the morning her fever was bad but it got better as the day went on, unfortunately she didn't... Uggghhh, she was sooooo whiny today. Anyways, her malaria test came back negative so we are very thankful for that. Hopefully she is better tomorrow.

This week a few MAF pilots landed for the first time at this strip in the village of Maniwo home of the Moi people. They were very excited to have an MAF plane land in their village. It takes many years to get a strip carved out of the jungle and then approved by the government and then by MAF. The sign in the first photo says, "I love MAF". And yes, that is a bare bum you are seeing on the bottom right hand side. There are still many folks here who wear traditional dress. Not here in Sentani though... thankfully....

1 comment:

Doulanic said...

I'm glad to hear Brynnie is on the mend - hopefully all is well! And LOL with that bare bum!! Too funny - i didn't even notice it until you pointed it out1