Saturday, March 08, 2008


There are always words or expressions that you just can't translate literally from one language to another. Take for example: buang (throw-like throw away, not like throw a ball) air (water)
buang air = to urinate
buang air besar (big)= number 2

Today Mikah bought a new watch. It is Pasnew brand, which I'm sure you, like me, have never before heard of. On the bottom of the little metal cylindrical container that it came in was a type of sales pitch:
"PASNEW" comes from a mysterious legend in china, like a powerful, brave incomparable and ever-victorious BULL. "PASNEW" means "BULL"
The self-surpasing pace of PASNEW watch never falls behind for the past 10 years.
PASNEW watch is always taking the lead in its audacious technology, exceptional - ingenuity design, unconventional and wise ideas, and novel and extraordinary appearance.
PASNEW watch combines function with fashion. Its excellent quality is reaching perfect. Years are cycling and PASNEW watch defines heroes!

Sounds like a lot of bull to me....
It's actually a cute, sporty, pink digital watch... that cost about $12...


Doulanic said...

that watch description is hilarious! that kind of marketing or whatever you want to call it would never fly in Canada!

Anonymous said...

i was searching for confirmation of the pasnew name. i asked my chinese friend and she said shes never heard the word pasnew before. i got my pasnew watch for $22 in singapore...