Saturday, March 07, 2009


Well, Willem and his dad have returned from their adventure in Bali. It was a great experience for them! The operation drained the fluid from Willem's middle ear but he still has a hearing loss. This could be the result of prolonged fluid build-up in the inner ear. However, he really loves his new hearing aid and did great in his speech therapy sessions. He was assessed by the speech therapist at the school and she determined that it would be best if he went to a regular school as he would have better auditory stimulation than he gets at the school for the deaf and hard of hearing. Willem's dad was very enthusiastic about the school in Bali and how they work with the kids there. I really pray that one day they will have such a program here as well. There is such need here!

1 comment:

Sarah DeSalvo said...

Hey there! We saw them in the airport in Bali - chatted with them for a bit. So glad things went well for them. We are glad to be home too!!!