Yesterday Hugo took a day off and we went to Jayapura together. It sure was nice to spend some time together just shopping and looking around and talking...

This is a spot on the road to Jayapura called Skyline. It is here that you have a great view of the ocean and you can buy a coconut drink from one of the stands alongside the road.

Going to Jayapura is always an adventure. The drive is not that many km's, about 35 km, but it takes more than an hour to drive because the road is very winding and there's a lot of traffic. On our way we passed 3 demonstrations against the military presence here in Papua. Half way to Jayapura we stopped to buy new cell phones (cheaper there) and once we'd bought them we had to quickly leave because the demonstraters were coming our way and the stores were all closing their metal doors. We managed to get out in time and didn't have any trouble. We got to Jayapura and had a nice lunch at a cafe there that sells sandwiches. You should know that that's not normal. Most places here sell only rice and noodle dishes... This is a rather Western style place. Then we shopped a bit and headed back up along the coast to visit the fish market in Hamadi. We had a bit of an adventure finding it but eventually we did.

As we were trying to find it, we passed by this public phone. It's broken of course, but this is the first time I've ever seen a public phone, or the remnants of what was a public phone, here in Papua.

The fist market had fish of all sorts. We were looking for a fresh makerel and the only one available was the small one in front of Hugo. They wanted too much for it so we didn't buy...

This is where I stepped in some nasty sludge as all the people were looking on. The man drinking on the far left kindly gave me some water to clean my feet and shoes with. We felt a bit like a freak show there as everyone was calling to us and watching us...

Saw these marlins laying there for sale. They tried to get us to buy one... Like what are we going to do with one of those???

These boats were moored near the fish market.

At the entrance to the market were some stalls such as this one selling a variety of fresh fruits and veggies.

One of the great views of the ocean from the road out of Jayapura.

Another view of a village on an island.

Because of the sludge I stepped in, my sandals were wet so I bought these lovely pink, and terribly uncomfortable, flip flops at a little stall...

This guy along with his neighbours was for sale in one of the grocery stores... hmmm....

Finally, we ended our day with supper at a local restaurant. We had hoped to visit a newish restaurant on the lake but it was strangely closed... So we tried another one on the edge of town, it too was closed and so we ended up at this place right in town. Hugo had a chicken steak and it came with gravy, in a gravy boat... :)
Great post! Enjoyed coming along for the ride :)
Beautiful pictures! Chicken steak eh?! Glad you were able to get away together for a lovely date ... minus the sludge.
Interesting place to be -especially the fish market! The drive there must have been a bit nerve wracking by the sounds of things.
Did the restaurant want you to know how much their gravy boat cost???Cute... LOVE the flip flops..sooo
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