Sunday, October 17, 2010


Today I went to see Ibu N. I had wanted to see her yesterday but that didn't happen. We slept in and had a picnic lunch at the pool and then went home and I baked bread and muffins. This afternoon I decided I would go to see her only to find out that she had died yesterday and was already buried. I have mixed feelings. I feel sad of course, but I also feel happiness for her that she no longer has to suffer. Ibu N's family remained angry with her until the end. She, like all of us, has made mistakes and done/said things that she shouldn't have. Her family seems to have held everything against her and now in her death they aren't even willing to pay for her funeral; asking for money from her former boss. TB is an entirely treatable disease, but the one who has it must also have a desire to recover. Ibu N did not have this desire and seemed content to drift away and go to her Lord and Maker. I can't think of a better place to go to really but I also wonder about her young son who is now going to be raised by his aunt. I know there's nothing more any of us could have done, but it hurts to only be able to stand back and observe and of course, pray.

1 comment:

Doulanic said...

So sorry to hear of this sad turn of events. I can sense your frustration throughout these posts. May God continue to give you guys strength and wisdom as well!

(yes, I read every single one of your posts, even if I rarely comment!) :-)