Wednesday, October 04, 2006

No Water...

Well, the time has come. What we dreaded has happened. We are virtually out of water. Our well pump is sucking up more air than water right now. Our landlord said that we were welcome to go to his house with a bucket and fill it up... thanks... At least drinking water isn't a problem. At least not now it isn't. We're not really sure what's going to happen. Apparently our landlord is going to look into other water sources tomorrow. Maybe we'll join the other folks up the hill and add a little hose to get mountain water... (see photo from a couple days ago...)
Today Hugo and I went to a place called Istana Plaza. Hugo had seen cheap soccer cleats there before and as he is now a member of the Imlac soccer team, complete with fake Adidas blue and white uniform with shorts that would fit Aidan, he figured it would be better to use some cheap cleats than his good running shoes. Anyways, we first went up to the food court for lunch and ate our lunch beside, you won't believe this- I didn't until I saw it with my own eyes-an ice skating rink! Pretty wild huh? I guess they're trying to do the West Edmonton mall thing here. Except this rink is shaped in a circle. You can rent skates but they're all figure skate, no hockey skates... Anyways, this place is a shoppers paradise, actually all of Bandung is a shoppers paradise. We even found Lego, at 2.5 times the price it is in Canada... Hugo found some soccer cleats and they even happen to be the same colours as his uniform, but the best part is that they were 50% off!! The big first game is tomorrow...

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