Tuesday, April 08, 2008

This morning I came back from playing hockey and asked Ice “how” (Bagaimana?). She turned around and from her eyes I knew what her answer would be. She said that her body felt weak and that she had malaria. I asked her if she went to the apotik (pharmacy) to have her blood checked. No, she hadn’t, she just knows. Then I ask her if she has already taken medicine. Yes, two pills. What kind of pills? I don’t know. Where did you get them? From my sister. She got them from her boss and they are from outside the country so she said that maybe they would help. So you don’t know what kind of pills they are. No, they were in a little bag. So I call up the boss of her sister and ask her what medicine she has ever given Ice’s sister. The only thing she has ever given her was Tylenol. Soooo, I tell Ice that she has only taken panadol (the Indonesian version of Tylenol-same stuff, different name). Tammy told me to give her chloroquine and told me exactly how much and how often. Then tomorrow she also needs to take fansidar which is supposed to help if she has a different strain of malaria. As malaria can be fatal if left untreated, I’m sure glad I asked questions. It makes me frustrated when the people here think that just because medicine is from outside the country it can make them better. Sometimes I feel like I’m raising an older daughter at the same time as being an employer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erica, Glad you still remember me! I just sent you an email at hfuenekes@maf.org and it came back. Here is mine: hbazay@rogers.com and if you remail me I can reply to yours.
Take care!
