Pak Okie is one of the teachers at our school. We rent a snazzy little Suzuki Shogun (125 cc) off of him. People here often rent out there motorbikes because it allows them to pay for it with credit and once it is paid off, they use the money to pay for school fees etc... This little family just moved into a "new" house last weekend. They can't afford yet to buy their own house so they just rent. The house they were living in was incredibly small. There was a small living room about the size of a laundry room back home, two tiny bedrooms and a kitchen area. In the kitchen there was only a enough counter for their kompor (2 burner gas stove). Beside the kompor was their washing machine. There was no where for them to prepare ingredients to be cooked so they often just bought their meals from a warung (little shop). Now they live in a three bedroom house that actually has a kitchen with space to cook. Pak Okie's wife says that now she has a big kitchen, like mine (yikes, I always thought mine was tiny tiny), so maybe now she'll feel like cooking seeing as she actually has room to cook. They're a great little family that we are thankful to have gotten to know! We had them over for supper today and I showed them how to make pizza from scratch. They really love it!
Only one week until we leave!!!
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