Saturday, July 21, 2007

I forgot to update you all on my discussion with Ibu Tati. The morning after I talked with the neighbours I talked with Ibu Tati. I asked her to please answer my questions with honesty. I asked her if she had paid the RT money late the month of May. She swore by Tuhan (God) that she didn't. She said she gave it to Ibu Umi in the envelope that Hugo had made ready. She also said that she hadn't given permission to the neighbours to use the money. What had happened was that when she went to give them the money for June, Ibu Umi asked her to hang onto it as she was afraid of using it like she did in May. So they basically told her that they were using it and asked her not to tell me. So she said that she wouldn't if they paid it right away. Well, they didn't pay it right away and then Ibu Nina had gossiped to the other neighbour that the money was paid late, obviously to cover their tracks. This family actually has a reputation for being like this. Ibu Tati told me that she was warned by some people around here to be careful around the neighbours. In fact Ibu Tati said that Ibu Umi asked her if maybe she could pay the money and then later Ibu Umi would pay her back. Ibu Tati smartly said that she didn't have the money. Also, Ibu Tati has on a few occasions loaned money to Ibu Nina so she could buy milk for her daughter. She did get paid back but very late after the date promised. My other helper, Ibu Misiah, has also loaned money to Ibu Umi that has not yet been paid back. So who would you believe? I gave Ibu Tati a big hug and I told her not to worry about it as I believe her and still trust her. She's a great lady and I feel priviledged to have had her working in our home this past year. I feel bad for her that this had to happen to her as well, it really does leave a sour taste in ones mouth. Even though I told the neighbours that I forgave them, I actually don't feel that way in my heart after I spoke with Ibu Tati the next morning. It really, really disappoints me, but the fact is that I'm going to move away soon and I know that I did my best to help them in a good way and I guess that's all that matters. But it sure makes it a bit hard when they live about four feet away from you.... (Still don't know if they've paid the $ to the RT yet or not. Maybe I'll check on monday-he knows what happened so he knows that they owe the money and not us)
Today I took an ojek (motorcycle taxi guy) for the first time to the store. I had heard some not so nice stories about how crazy these guys drive, but my driver was great. He didn't go too fast and didn't do anything crazy. I did however, say a little prayer before I put on the helmet he gave me as it had just been on his head and I hope he doesn't have lice.... Anyways, I got to the store in 5-10 minutes instead of a half hour! :-) Simple pleasures people, simple pleasures...

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